Europe-China Dialogue Summer School

As the Institutional Contributor of Europe-China Dialogue_ Media and Communication Studies Summer School, UCMeCSA would like to welcome you to participate in the Europe-China Dialogue_ Media and Communication Studies

Inspired by the European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School (SuSo), the Europe-China Dialogue: Media and Communication Studies Summer School (ECDSS) has been successfully organised for 6 years, taking place in Beijing (China), Lugano (Switzerland), and Brussels (Belgium). The China Media Observatory (CMO) of Università dellaSvizzera Italiana (USI) in cooperation with School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University (PKU), will hold the 7th Summer School at PKU in July 2021.

The program is open to the full variety of academic work from the field of communication and media studies for scholars at their early academic careers, PhD students and master students who have strong academic interests. It aims to bring together researchers from Europe, China, and North America in order to debate contemporary issues in media, communication, political economy and cultural studies. 


China Media Observatory at USI Lugano:  China Media Observatory aims at the systematic monitoring of the evolution of the system of media and communications in China according to the main economic, political as well as social and cultural dimensions. In function of the activities it carries out, the Observatory encourages the exchanges for teaching and research purposes and establishes collaboration agreements with European universities, which have started permanent research activity on media in China, as well as with Chinese universities, that are interested in collaborating and exchanges with our university in the scientific and teaching field.  Link:

School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University: Peking University is a pioneer in modern Journalistic education in China. In 1918, Peking University started the first Journalistic course and founded the Journalism Research Institute that was the first of its kind in China. In 1952, Peking University opened the first Journalism Studies program since the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the new School of Journalism and Communication was established in 2001. Founded in 1898, Peking University was the first national comprehensive university in China and became a centre for progressive thought in China across time. Mao Zedong, Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi and many other leaders of China all gained professional experience here. In 2014, The Chinese University Alumni Association and China Education Center considered it as No.1 among national universities. Internationally, both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the World Reputation Rankings recently placed Peking University at 45th position worldwide. Link:

Institutional Contributors:

ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School

UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association (UCMeCSA), United Kingdom.

Università degli Studi di Milano 

Institute of Communication & Culture,Peking University

BlueFuture PR Consulting, China


Blue Future, origins from Blue Focus—the first listing PR company in China and the largest PR company in Asia, which has 70 member companies and a number of business groups—is a leading brand of campus public relationship and communication in mainland China. Within its target of exploring the campus marketing value, Blue Future has established its resources covering 700 colleges and universities, and operated series of projects training young entrepreneurs and graduates on different levels and in different fields. Blue Future has been the sponsor for Europe-China Dialogue: Media and Communication Studies Summer School since the program launched in 2014, its great support not only facilitated the Summer School to grow its strength and reputation among scholars and students in China and different European countries, but also helped the exchange and knowledge sharing in the field of media and communication studies between (and beyond) the two continents.