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Welcome to the UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association. Established in London in 2014, the UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association (UCMeCSA) is an unincorporated subject association, which aims to provide a communication platform for international scholars in the landscape of media, communication, and cultural studies. Over the past eight years, UCMeCSA team have collaborated with School of Arts, University of Kent, the Department of Communications, Drama and Film, University of Exeter, the School of Film, Television and Media Studies, University of East Anglia, the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University, the School of Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester, the Department of Media Arts, Royal Holloway, University of London, the School of Media, Arts and Humanities, University of Sussex, the Department of Media, Communication and Public Relations, Swansea University, the Faculty of Media & Communication, Bournemouth University, the China Media Observatory, Università della Svizzera italiana, Leiden University, the School of Journalism & Communication, Peking University, the School of Journalism and Communication, Anhui University, the College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University and the Shanghai Documentary Academy, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law. We are looking forward to opportunities for further-to-come cooperation to enrich research dialogues between China and the West. After our inaugural conference, held in February 2015 at Cardiff University, second conference, held in April 2017 at University of East Anglia, and third conference, held in January 2019 at University of Leicester, we are preparing for our fourth conference. UCMeCSA team dedicate to foster collaboration across international universities and work to support prospective students and scholars in relevant disciplines. We also aim to approach a broader audience through engaging with various critical and creative media practices.


英中媒体与文化研究学会 (UCMeCSA) 于2014年在英国伦敦成立,着力为中外学生、学者们提供一个在 “媒体”、“传播”、与 “文化”研究领域互相交流的非营利性平台。学会现已与多所国际知名大学相关院系以及学术研究机构展开了学术交流合作,其中包括:英国肯特大学艺术学院、英国萨塞克斯大学媒体,艺术与人文学院、英国斯旺西大学媒体,传播与公共关系学院、英国东英吉利大学电影,电视与媒体研究学院、英国卡迪夫大学新闻,媒体与文化研究学院、英国莱斯特大学媒体,传播与社会学院、英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威传媒和艺术学院、英国肯特大学艺术学院、英国圣安德鲁斯大学、英国兰卡斯特大学孔子学院、瑞士提契诺大学传播科学院中国传媒研究中心、北京大学新闻与传播学院、 安徽大学新闻与传播学院、浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院、上海政法学院上海纪录片学院以及澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学等。我们期待未来能与更多的学术单位以及科研、媒体机构相互交流合作,共同致力于加强国际学术对话以及媒体实践交流,为相关领域的学生、学者、媒体从业者提供帮助和支持。学会已于二零一五年二月在英国卡迪夫大学成功举办了第一届双年会, 于二零一七年四月在英国东英吉利大学成功举办了第二届双年会, 于二零一九年一月在英国莱斯特大学成功举办了第三届双年会, 目前第四届双年会正在积极筹办中。英中媒体与文化研究学会期待您的加入!

Email: ucmecsaedu@gmail.com

Facebook Page: UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association

Twitter: @UCMeCSA

WeChat Official Account: UCMeCSA

“青梅煮酒” 书友会